Sunday, November 21, 2021

All-Cause Mortality and Occam's razor

11,000 people were given a placebo and 11,000 were given Pfizer's elixir of life. Six months later, 38 participants had died.  This total includes all causes of death, regardless of whether it is traceable to the injections or the virus. Which group fared better? 17 placebo participants died, compared to 21 who had received the elixir; a difference of 23.5%. 

That was in March of 2021.  How have these groups done since? We will never know that because the placebo participants were later informed that they had not gotten the elixir of life and were encouraged to take the "vaccine."  Even placebo group guinea pigs children who participate in these studies are later informed that they were in the placebo group and encouraged to become "fully vaccinated." Given that the virus poses a virtually non-existent threat to children, this move can at best be seen as squandering a very good source of information about long-term risks. At worse, it could be viewed as a deliberate effort to prevent investigation. 

Meanwhile, all-cause mortality is up significantly in Scotland as a whole. See  Incidentally, 80% of the Scottish population has received at least one dose. 

Hospitals in America are seeing record numbers of emergency room patients. These patients are really sick and they don't have Covid. See

"But now, they’re too full. Even in parts of the country where covid isn’t overwhelming the health system, patients are showing up to the ER sicker than before the pandemic, their diseases more advanced and in need of more complicated care."

Leading theories are that people waited until covid had died down to have heart attacks and get cancer.

On the other hand, if the results of the Pfizer were extrapolated, we would expect to see about a 24% increase in excess deaths among those who took the injections.

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