Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Six Sister Federal Mandates

Between August and November 2021, President Biden and his agents enacted six sister federal injection mandates. 

The first sister, the Military Mandate (issued by the Secretary of Defense on August 24, 2021) was partially enjoined yesterday by U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor on January 3, 2022

 The second sister, the Federal Contractor Mandate (Executive Order 14042, issued on September 9, 2021) was enjoined– nationwide–on December 7, 2021, by U.S. District Judge R. Stan Baker in Georgia v. Biden, Case 1:21-tc-05000, (Doc. 94)

The third sister, the Federal Employee Mandate (Executive Order 14043, issued on September 9, 2021) has not yet been enjoined.

The fourth sister, the CMS Mandate (issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on November 5, 2021) was enjoined by both


Judge Terry Doughty on November 30, 2021 in Louisiana v. Becerra, Case No. 3:21-cv-03970-TAD-KDM (Doc. 28)–upheld by the Fifth Circuit in Louisiana v. Becerra, 20 F.4th 260 (5th Cir. 2021).

The fifth sister, the OSHA Mandate (issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on November 5, 2021) was enjoined by the Fifth Circuit on November 12, 2021, in BST Holdings v. OSHA, No. 21-60845. The injunction was later lifted by a Sixth Circuit panel and is currently before the Supreme Court.

The sixth sister, the Head Start Mandate, was enjoined on

Judge Terry Doughty on January 1, 2022 in Louisiana v. Becerra 3:21-cv-04370-TAD-KDM (Doc. 15)

What can you do to help? Pray and keep praying for all who face these injection mandates, especially federal employees. 

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