Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Six Sister Federal Mandates

Between August and November 2021, President Biden and his agents enacted six sister federal injection mandates. 

The first sister, the Military Mandate (issued by the Secretary of Defense on August 24, 2021) was partially enjoined yesterday by U.S. District Judge Reed O'Connor on January 3, 2022

 The second sister, the Federal Contractor Mandate (Executive Order 14042, issued on September 9, 2021) was enjoined– nationwide–on December 7, 2021, by U.S. District Judge R. Stan Baker in Georgia v. Biden, Case 1:21-tc-05000, (Doc. 94)

The third sister, the Federal Employee Mandate (Executive Order 14043, issued on September 9, 2021) has not yet been enjoined.

The fourth sister, the CMS Mandate (issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on November 5, 2021) was enjoined by both


Judge Terry Doughty on November 30, 2021 in Louisiana v. Becerra, Case No. 3:21-cv-03970-TAD-KDM (Doc. 28)–upheld by the Fifth Circuit in Louisiana v. Becerra, 20 F.4th 260 (5th Cir. 2021).

The fifth sister, the OSHA Mandate (issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on November 5, 2021) was enjoined by the Fifth Circuit on November 12, 2021, in BST Holdings v. OSHA, No. 21-60845. The injunction was later lifted by a Sixth Circuit panel and is currently before the Supreme Court.

The sixth sister, the Head Start Mandate, was enjoined on

Judge Terry Doughty on January 1, 2022 in Louisiana v. Becerra 3:21-cv-04370-TAD-KDM (Doc. 15)

What can you do to help? Pray and keep praying for all who face these injection mandates, especially federal employees. 

Monday, December 27, 2021

Why are Sudden Deaths due to "Natural Causes" or "Etiology Unexplained" up in 4 Texas Counties? (Tarrant-Johnson-Denton-Parker)

The Tarrant Medical Examiner classifies sudden deaths into a variety of sudden death categories. Most are recorded as something like "sudden death with a history of [specified] disease." 

But the Medical Examiner also has several generic sudden death categories, which I have grouped together. These are variations of "sudden death due to natural causes" or "sudden death etiology undetermined". Focusing on these unspecified sudden deaths in adults, I put together a chart which shows that 2021 has seen a significant rise in such deaths.

In fact, there were more sudden, unexplained, natural deaths from June to September of this year, than there were total in any previous year. Now, what was happening during those months...

No such deaths have yet been reported for October-December, 2021, but there are still 409 deaths which have not yet been given a determination, most of them falling in those months. 

Age, date of death and description here

I honestly hope that there is a reasonable explanation for this which is due to an increased number of residents or a change in policy or personnel or something. But I also have no faith that anyone is really tracking the effects of the large-scale medical experiment that has been taking place.

I am not jumping to conclusions, I just want an explanation and assurances that the "vaccination" records of the dead are being tracked.

Edit: On a social media post that has since been "moderated" into oblivion, someone asked where I got this data. I got it from the link below. I downloaded each year going back to 2011. I sorted for "sudden deaths" and looked for those that had no explanation. This is a different category than "unknown causes" because this death category includes the signifier "sudden." I have previously posted about an Open Records Request where I am trying to satisfy my curiosity and quell my concerns. I posted as well about the rise in searches for "sudden death" and others have also noticed this. I don't claim to have answers. I just want to know. And if a bunch of us are just conspiracy theorists, I think that the best way to bring us back into the fold would be to provide information and stop ending discussions. Just throw us a bone and give us the data so that we can go chase some other conspiracy.

It is no conspiracy theory however that the Pharmaceutical-Medical-Government-Media-Military establishment trained for such occasions as this and during their training, they decided that they should shut us up, drown us out, and discredit us. See for example The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028, a Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators

Also: I am happy to share the full spreadsheet that I put together with anyone who wants it. I am just not posting it here because it has people's names in it. You can leave a comment if you want to see it or email me at david.foley.JMJ@protonmail.com.

Following up

In this graph, I used all adult or adolescent "sudden" categories. The results here are not as dramatic as the sudden unexplained results above. So far, 2021 does not have more overall "sudden" deaths than 2020. But, again, there over 400 pending cases, so we don't know what the final result will be. The last "sudden" death recorded was in September and that is about where the backlog of "pending" cases begins. 

In a rude projection, I matched a projected column which ends in September 2021 to the September 2020 column. If the numbers hold (they could be more, they could be less) to what happened last year, we would be adding another 18 cases. If that is what happens, 2021 will indeed have shown a significant increase in overall sudden deaths in addition to very significant increase in sudden-unexplained deaths. 

Far left column is projected (56) next is so-far 2021 (38), next is 2020 (49) etc

Another note is that there were ten-year highs for all-category sudden deaths in three months in 2021: March, June, and July.

For years 2021-2011, the numbers recorded in March were
For the month of June in those years
For the month of July in those years

What do those numbers mean? It is hard to say. Were injection rates high in March, June, and July? I think so, but I am not sure.  
Perhaps these numbers are too small to think much of and perhaps this is just statistical noise. But, there are still 4 cases pending for March, 3 cases pending for June, 8 cases pending for July, 28 for August, 36 for September, 67 for October, 120 for November, and 115 for December. When all of those pending cases are categorized, my guess is that there will be no argument about whether 2021 was a bellwether year in sudden deaths. 

The only question will be why. I hope someone asks. And I hope they aren't afraid to ask if it has something to do with the injections that have been incessantly pushed.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Federal Employee Fired for Injection Refusal Just before Christmas

In my post Staying true to its Arbitrary Roots, Federal Employee Mandate takes December Off, mostly, (Nov-29), I mentioned that the SFWTF was cryptic when it caveated its guidance to agencies about waiting until January to start firing people. The SFWTF wrote,

“We understand that your agencies may need to act on enforcement sooner for a limited number of employees, such as where there are additional or compounding performance or workplace safety issues under consideration, but in general, consistency across government in further enforcement of the vaccine requirement after the start of the new calendar year is desired,” they added.
I observed, that it sounded like they were talking about probationary employees but don't want to say it. 

At least one probationary federal employee just before she would have gained the rights of a permanent employee and two weeks before Christmas.

Michaela Coughlin was a civilian operations research analyst at Eglin Airforce Base. She took a principled stand was fired on December 17, 2021. She describes her reasons:

"So my whole argument here is obviously I have my own personal reasons but it stands to that we have a personal choice to do this," Coughlin said. "This is tyranny at play here so especially being a federal employee under the office of office were held to a higher standard. And we can’t go breaking the constitution here whether or not I would’ve had the vaccine wouldn’t of change things for me because we all have a right to choose."


Well said and good luck.


Friday, December 24, 2021

Definition of "Fully Vaccinated" depends on what they can get away with, simple as that

Press Secretary Psaki on 12-20-21/;

Q:..Is there going to be any sort of update to those requirements that will include further guidance on, you know, whether boosters will be included as like a — as a requirement towards being fully vaccinated, essentially?

MS. PSAKI: Sure, it’s a good question. So, we would — first, the CDC has not changed their evaluation of what being “fully vaccinated” means. I think Dr. Fauci has said it’s not a matter of “if” but “when.” And then, obviously, we base any of our policies from the federal government on the CDC guidance.

Dr. Fauci said on 12-09-21 that the decision to change the definition of "fully vaccinated" was dependent on the status of cases in the courts.
 "Well, timing of that matters, Kate, with regard to the lawsuits"

The goal is to get more shots into more American arms as fast as possible. The only thing slowing them down is the courts. Once they get the green light to mandate the first installment of the subscription service, they will mandate its continuance. At some point, they will likely roll the flu shot into it as well.  

By the way, it is not acceptable for a President to use his powers over the workplace as a means to change the behavior of citizens. That is not what those powers are for. We don't have a king or an emperor. But the Administration has admitted that is what it is doing as part of its plan to get "the unvaccinated vaccinated."

The President’s plan will reduce the number of unvaccinated Americans by using regulatory powers and other actions to substantially increase the number of Americans covered by vaccination requirements—these requirements will become dominant in the workplace

When the President is not only requiring the military service members and the employees that he directly controls to be injected or leave, but also attempting to make it so they cannot work anywhere without the only jab, how can anyone say that he is not coercing people to take an EUA product?


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Cobwebs, Small Flies, and Big Lies, some things never change

Laws like to Cobwebs catch small Flies
Great ones break thro' before your eyes

    -Poor Richard's Almanac 

See also